D yoga Dude
Believe In You!
Yoga for You /yoga for all
Practicing fitness for decades combined with years of professional experience, Darnell Bell possesses the skills necessary to instruct individuals from diverse age groups, fitness levels, and demographic backgrounds. Affable and empathetic, his teaching techniques have benefited many seeking to either recover from injury or to engage in a healthy lifestyle.
Having been certified as an instructor in 2002, Darnell has since regularly taught yoga for students at events and fitness clubs throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The ages of his students range from teenagers to senior citizens. In all cases, the intensity of the exercise class would vary according to the age and fitness level of the participating individuals. Beginning any exercise routine can be both troublesome and apprehensive for newcomers. With a detailed knowledge of stretching and movement techniques, Darnell has often assisted those with a minimal knowledge of fitness so that they may engage in exercise in a manner that best avoids injury.
In addition to yoga, Darnell also possesses extensive experience in the practice and teachings of capoeira. This knowledge has been acquired over the course of many years of study, and includes attending gatherings, or rodas, throughout the United States as well as within Brazil. Since 2000, Darnell has taught capoeira in a variety of venues, such as to college students at George Mason University and Fairmont State College, as well as the Arlington County Summer Program. Capoeira is an art form that combines dance with martial arts. As a working musician, Darnell possess a special understanding and appreciation of the role of music and song when engaged in the movements, or gingas, of capoeira.
Both yoga and capoeira have their origins in different cultures on opposite sides of the world. Darnell has a deep appreciation of this and uses it to create an atmosphere that is both relaxing and motivating to students. Either separately, or in combination, the results are classes that become an insightful experience for the mind, while simultaneously offering cardiovascular, strength, and toning benefits for the body.